He called today. He's crabby and whiney - it's "monsoon raining and it's cold". Awwww....I feel sorry for him! Yeah - not!
What is it with men? Can't they think of something else to do like women do? But this rain and cold weather does not fit into his plans of playing golf so he's throwing a temper tantrum the likes that any 2 year old would have!
So I told him to call back when he has something nice to say and a change of attitude, that I was in pain and he left and he could just find something else to do. He didn't... appreciate my suggestion.
Me - I am thankful he's crabby there so am still smiling here although I would love to get rid of this new pain - the one in my foot.
I have so many books I have read I really need to get reviews done. Maybe tomorrow.