This is how snow affects Chicago - WE.HEART.SNOW.
Our area got about 12 inches of snow which started this past Monday night and continued into last night. Didn't detour any of our patients from showing up to see us or hubs from making it into work - Chicago needs more than a foot of snow to stop things. At this rate it would take a couple feet to slow us down for a day.
But the buzz around here? We had an earthquake around 4am. While this isn't really rare in these parts (the last one was in 2008 in southern IL), they are nothing like the ones in say, California or Haiti, etc. Ours was 3.8 magnitude and located about 45 miles west of Elgin and I am about 20 minutes east of Elgin. I didn't feel anything but then again at 4am, if I felt the bed moving, I would have figured it was my husband turning over in bed. The kittens didn't act any differently than their normal psychotic demonic behavior that possesses them only at night time when we are trying to sleep. I think they had been banned from our bedroom by that time anyway.
The earthquake even beat out Rod Blagojevich who was back in court today and pleaded not guilty today to corruption charges in a revised indictment. Rod and snow are old news here.
But for Chicago - this is big news - the earthquake!