Really? This is a business. We pay you higher rates - triple what you charge customers PLUS we have to pay to advertise in your yellow page directory to the tune of $30,000 per year per book per office.
You disconnected my services. You admit your mistake. Yet not one of your managers or supervisors or tech people can figure out how to put the DSL and phone number to our fax machine back in our office.
You offer me another number yet I have invested YEARS in that number and all our clients have that number. Are you going to pay to re-advertise it for me?
You can flip a switch and turn me off yet you complain the problem is in my office. I demanded an explanation that if you didn't come to my office to physically turn off this line, then there is nothing physically in my office you have any right to see or touch. Frankly I am afraid to have any of your idiots touch anything on the inside.
I spent over $300.00 today getting my own telephone network system person - the same one who put in my phone system.
Funny how you say I have internet. Funny how you say I have a phone line.
Yet inside, there is no internet tone. There is no dial tone.
So where did it go?
Pam Zeckman and newspapers and lawyers here I come. I am beyond pissed.
Interesting how you can't afford to pay a technician or employ intelligent people yet you Mr. Randall L. Stephenson make $1.42M as Chairman, Chief Exec. Officer, Pres and Chairman of Exec. Committee. Interesting how you Mr. Richard G. Lindner make $1.2M as Chief Financial Officer, Principal Accounting Officer and Sr. Exec. VP or Mr. John T. Stankey who makes $1.36M as Chief Exec. Officer of AT&T Operations Inc and Pres of AT&T Operations Inc, or you Mr. Ralph de la Vega who makes $1.46M as
Chief Exec. Officer of Mobility & Consumer Markets and Pres of Mobility & Consumer Markets can't figure out how to work your system or keep systems from shutting down.
Really? How nice!